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Severna Koreja

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PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Okt 2006 12:59    Naslov sporočila: Severna Koreja Odgovori s citatom


US not to blame for North Korea nuclear test, says Bolton

Matt Weaver and agencies
Tuesday October 10, 2006
Guardian Unlimited

John Bolton
US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton: Those who blame Bush's 'axis of evil' comment for North Korea's nuclear test should "get a life". Photograph: AP

The United States has defended branding North Korea part of the "axis of evil" and said it now fears that it could supply nuclear weapons to terrorists.

The US ambassador to the United Nations, John Bolton, said the isolated east Asian state posed "a very serious threat to international peace and security", and defended American attempts to strengthen sanctions against North Korea in the wake of its nuclear test.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, he said: "North Korea has supplied weapons to states in the Middle East that are supporters of terrorism. Our fear is North Korea itself could supply a nuclear device to a terrorist group."

Article continues
Asked what he would say to those who believed that North Korea was driven to carry out a nuclear test by being described as part of the "axis of evil", Mr Bolton said: "Get a life."

He added: "The North Koreans have been pursuing nuclear weapons for at least 10 to 12 years. They signed the agreed framework in 1994, promising to give up the pursuit of nuclear weapons, and then began violating the agreement almost before the ink was dry. This has nothing whatever to do with the 'axis of evil' statement."

Yesterday, Mr Bolton asked the UN security council to adopt new sanctions against Pyongyang, including the prohibition of all trade in military and luxury goods, and a crackdown on illegal financial dealings.

Today, the South Korean prime minister said Seoul would not support a UN resolution against North Korea which was backed by the threat of military force.

North Korea's long-term ally China also shied away from endorsing sanctions, saying that the UN should "take positive" measures to encourage disarmament.

China's foreign ministry vented its anger with its communist ally over the test for a second day, with a spokesman saying that relations had been harmed.

"The nuclear test will undoubtedly exert a negative impact on our relations," the spokesman, Liu Jianchao, said at a press conference.

But Mr Liu urged the use of diplomatic efforts to resolve the crisis and said the time was not right for punishment, much less military action.

"What we should discuss now is not the negative issue of punishment," he said.

"Instead, the international community and the United Nations should take positive and appropriate measures that will help the process of de-nuclearisation on the Korean peninsula."

As a permanent member of the security council, China holds a decisive say over how stern a punishment the international community can impose on North Korea.

A South Korean envoy, returning to Seoul from Beijing, said that China had dropped its previous opposition to tough sanctions.

But Mr Liu would not confirm this and did not respond directly to repeated questions about whether China would block or endorse UN sanctions against the regime.

Today, the British prime minister, Tony Blair, added his voice to international condemnation of the nuclear test, describing it as "very very serious situation".

He urged North Korea to focus instead on tackling poverty. "The people live in virtual starvation, almost a form of political oppression akin to slavery, and meanwhile they spend billions of dollars on a nuclear weapons programme," Mr Blair told BBC Breakfast.

A defiant North Korea meanwhile, stoked tensions by threatening more nuclear tests if the US did not engage in direct talks.

A North Korean official scoffed at sanctions and demanded concessions from Washington.

Quoted by South Korea's Yonhap news agency, the unnamed official said: "We hope the situation will be resolved before an unfortunate incident of us firing a nuclear missile comes.

"The nuclear test is an expression of our intention to face the United States across the negotiating table," the official said. "What we want is security of the [North], including guaranteeing our system."
Vir: The

Zlo zanimiv članek.

Severna Koreja je opravila jedrski poskus, ki je v javnosti povzročil val ogorčenja, ker so že pred 12 leti podpisali memorandum na neširjenje orožja. Ves ta čas je Severna Koreja razvijala jedesrko tehnologijo in očitno jim je uspelo. So pa po predvidevanjih znanstvenikov še zelo daleč od tega da "tehnologijo" oz. samo jedersko konico spravijo v velikost ki bi bila uporabna za rakete. Poskus opravili v hribu, pri detonaciji bombe pa so seizmografi zasledili potres nekje cca 3.5 po Richterju.

Očitno se pripravlja nova kriza na korejskem polotoku, prav tako so pred dnevi severnokorejski vojaki vstopili v demitalizirano območje med obema korejama, zapustili pa so ga šele po opozorilnih strelih južnih sosedov.

Se vam zdi prav, da pol države umira za lakoto, medtem ko država spodbuja jederski program. Ta polovica države živi izključno od tuje pomoči, ki pa počasi zamira ravno zaradi jederskih poskusov.
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Pridružen/-a: 01.09. 2006, 18:16
Prispevkov: 1347

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Okt 2006 19:27    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Embarassed Embarassed ČLOVEK JE RES LAHKO ZVER. Ob branju članka me je prevzel strah in misel, kakšne bodo posledice-daljnosežne.Svet resnično uničuje samo človek. Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
Na svetu ni prostora za strahopetneže.
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Pridružen/-a: 14.07. 2006, 13:54
Prispevkov: 87

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Okt 2006 19:29    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Nič drugega nam ne preostane, kot da še v Sloveniji naredimo atomsko bombo. Bomo vsaj malo hrvate strašili. Samo ne vem, kje bi jo sprobali, ko smo tko majhni.
Vroče mi je, neznansko vroče mi je!!! Pomezik)
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Pridružen/-a: 01.09. 2006, 18:16
Prispevkov: 1347

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Okt 2006 19:34    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Embarassed Ne morem verjet, da je to napisala ženska roka.Bomba, vojna ? Embarassed Embarassed Embarassed
Na svetu ni prostora za strahopetneže.
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Bog in batina

Pridružen/-a: 11.07. 2006, 05:10
Prispevkov: 1974

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Okt 2006 20:43    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Pa le niste vse tko čustveno inteligentne.
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Pridružen/-a: 12.07. 2006, 19:54
Prispevkov: 322
Kraj: Hrastnik

PrispevekObjavljeno: 10 Okt 2006 20:45    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

dadan sej ti boš svet še preživela, ne vem pa če ga bojo naši otroci.

Drgač pa ljudje že od pradavnine sam sebi kopljemo jamo.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo  

Pridružen/-a: 01.09. 2006, 18:16
Prispevkov: 1347

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Okt 2006 06:27    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

Susu, zase mi ni mar. Za otroke, vnuke pa. Zato ne maram vojne in nasilja.Sem čisto srečna ženska v krogu svojih moških.
Na svetu ni prostora za strahopetneže.
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Poglej uporabnikov profil Pošlji zasebno sporočilo AIM - AOL Instant - naslov  

PrispevekObjavljeno: 11 Okt 2006 20:00    Naslov sporočila: Odgovori s citatom

susu je napisal/a:
Drgač pa ljudje že od pradavnine sam sebi kopljemo jamo.


drgač pa nbene vojne ne bo, ker si je S koreja ne more, oz. noče prvošt. kim jong il pač "mišice" razkazuje, verjetn se počut ogroženga kar je tut čist upravičen...
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